Monday, October 6, 2008

Do I Need a Business Plan?

Every business needs a business plan!!

I don't care how small your business is or how long you've been in business, you need a business plan. It doesn't matter if you utilize a business plan consultant such as myself or if you develop your plan on post it notes -- don't start business until you have at least a basic business plan in place.

The process of creating a business plan is more valuable than the final business plan itself. The steps it takes to create a plan will help you in every phase of your business. A fully developed plan will help you develop the priorities, goals, and path to success for your business.

Although most businesses create a business plan for an outside party such as banks or investors, the most critical audience of the plan is you. You are the one who is accountable for whether you succeed or fail and the plan can help you go through the steps to ensure your success.

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