Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Choosing the Right Business Partner

One of my favorite sites for women entrepreneurs, Ladies Who Launch, has a fantastic new article posted about how to go about deciding whether or not to go into business with someone. It is absolutely critical to take an objective look at a potential business partner before you take the leap to start a business together.

It often sounds ideal to follow your dream into owning your own business with a family member or close friend. But you have to be realistic when choosing a business partner to help create a positive business model and maintain those close relationships. Nothing ruins a friendship faster than a failed business.

Some of the things you need to look at include
  • Work Ethics
  • Values
  • Individual Strengths and Talents
  • Trust
  • Respect
  • Compassion

Read all of their tips and recommendations on choosing the right business partner at Ladies Who Launch.

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