Take a look at your to-do list for the week. Do you have items that you know you will never attempt to get done? Do you have a bunch of items that won't help generate revenue? Is there stuff that is just outside your area of expertise?
If the answer is yes, it may be time to call in the experts to help take some of the noise off the line. For example, are you spending your time doing bookkeeping when you really should be seeing clients or are you spinning your wheels writing web copy when you should be designing a website? It's definitely time to outsource anything that isn't driving new business.
Here are some ideas of where you would be better served by calling in an expert:
Writing. This may be totally self-serving, but not everyone is a writer. When it comes to those documents that you plan on using to build your business, it can be well worth the investment to call in a business writer to put your business into words.
Bookkeeping and Taxes. I highly recommend taking a class to ensure you understand your financial statements, but it can be beneficial to call in a bookkeeper / accountant to help pull your books together.
Creative Work. If you spin your wheels when it comes to creativity, there are lots of experts who relish in their creative rolls. A relationship with a great graphic designer will reap benefits for years to come.
Technology Setup. Ok... you can do your own technology setup. It takes hours to get your DSL up and running. Researching the newest technology can take days. A technology expert can streamline all your tech needs so you can be up and running in no time.
Cleaning. You have better things to be doing than emptying trash cans. Every entrepreneur will spend some time doing their own tidying up, but there comes a time when you will need to call in a cleaning service to take the dirty work off your hands. (This can especially be true if you work in a home office!)
Production. Sometimes you get so bogged down in the production of your product that you don't have time to focus on anything else. If production issues are eating your day, it may be time to call in a production expert to help manage all the day-to-day issues.
Errands and Scheduling. Entrepreneurs often have to manage the needs of their business and their daily lives at the same time. Rather than go to an office away from the clutter of home, life follows them everywhere. Often the first position to be filled for an entrepreneur is the personal assistant who can help with everything from picking up the dry cleaning to setting your schedule.
Anything You Don't Enjoy. Life is too short to do the things that you don't really enjoy. You will have to take on these things at first, but once the cash flow comes in outsource them ASAP.